Meteo station based on MKRFOX1200 for UV, pressure and temperature
A weather station made from an Arduino / ESP8266 and a bunch of sensors. Based in Hebburn, Tyne and Wear. [STILL UNDER TESTING AND MAY GO OFFLINE]
NodeMcu based weather station,by using BMP180 , DHT11 ,ESP8266 to implement the sensing and data uploading. This weather station was located in Hong Kong.
Das ist der Anfang einer Hobby Wetterstation. Basis ist ein ESP8266 mit DHT22 und BMP180. Die Daten werden über Freifunk hochgeladen. Luftdruck wird über die Barometrische Höhenformel berechnetet. Test Betrieb u.s.w. ;)
Collection of data from Arduino weather station, new data every 10 minutes.
Weather Station positioned top of cellar near the roof. Temps and Pressures from BMP180, Humidity from DHT22, lux estimated form LDR all monitored by a ESP8266.
ESP8266 with sensors: BMP180 Barometric Pressure // Si7021 Temperature and Humidity // VEML6070 UV Sensor // TSL46315 Visible Light Sensor // TSL2591 Light Sensor