Burghardt's weather station / Skierniewice meteo station

  • Channel ID: 44434
  • Author: kburghardt
  • Access: Public
DIY weather station in Skierniewice, Poland. Current sensors: - humidity & temperature sensor: DHT22, - light intensity sensor: BH1750, - barometric pressure sensor: BMP085. Other equipment: - wireless network: ESP8266, - RTC: DS3231.
  skierniewice, weather station, stacja pogodowa, weather, pogoda, meteo, dht22, bh1750, bmp085, esp8266, ds3231
 More Information

Temperature, pressure and relative humidity gauges
Short-Range Local Forecast based on the Zambretti
Sun and moon phases
Relative humidity
Field 2 Chart
Field 4 Chart
Dew point and Wet Bulb temperature
Heat Index and Canadian Humidex
Cloud base
Human readable SoC uptime
Temperature comparison for last three days
Relationship between temperature and humidity
Temperature variation over the last 7 days
Indoor temperature and relative humidity gauges
Field 1 Chart
Field 3 Chart
Channel Location