Channel is used to monitor wind and solar power, and is also capable of using wind speed to calculate wind power and voltage to calculate the power output of both the wind and solar sources.
Uses D1 Mini with configuration stored in RTC memory. Data updates every 10 minutes here and on The device is housed in an AcuRite Instrument Shield. Near-term (12-hour) forecast uses the Zambretti algorithm:
* Field 1-3: Solar panel 50x50mm (2V, 70mA), D1 Mini Pro in DeepSleep (4min) and ESP-Now. Sending to ESP32 (gateway) which logs to ThingSpeak. * Field 4-8: Solar panel 100x60mm (6V, 1W), D1 Mini in DeepSleep (5min) and WiFi logging to ThingSpeak.
Measures the relationship between light intensity and solar panel power output. Panel is 80 x 55 mm rated at 6 V 100 mA. An INA219 measures current, voltage, and power output. A TP4056 controls the charge of a 600 mAh cell. Reports every 5 minutes.
This channel aims to monitor the performance of a mini solar panel system and its capability in power and energy generation to meet load demands.
Photo voltaic farm (8 panels of 400 Wpeak, 4 APS DS3 microinverters), located in Sadeillan, France
Monitored Solar Voltage, Current, Temperature and Humidity
WeMos D1 Mini Pro based on project: and
Remote monitoring of solar system parameters and battery bank status with automated auxiliary battery charger control.
Simple weather station by using Ti HDC1080 temperature & RH sensor and ESP8266 module configured in deep sleep mode. The whole unit is powered by 1000mAH lipo battery and a small solor panel (below 1W).
This is a test channel created by Sarath SM to test the TestSM IoT channel to monitor the Solar Harvesting Unit.