• Channel ID: 98397
  • Author: nikhilr14
  • Access: Public
weather station
  iot, weather, arduino, esp8226, dht11, matlab

Channel Status Updates
Channel Location
View temperature and rainfall levels 3
Visualize the relationship between temperature and humidity 4
View temperature variation over the last 24 hours using a histogram 5
Create 2-D line plots with y-axes on both left and right side 6
Create a correlated data plot 7
Visualize the relationship between temperature and humidity 8
Understand relative temperature variation 10
Create a discrete sequence data plot 12
Create a correlated data plot 13
Plot wind velocity over the last hour using a compass plot 14
Plot data from multiple fields 15
View temperature variation over the last 24 hours using a histogram 16
Understand relative temperature variation 17